
Just recovered my old-blog.

Hello, long time no see, ladies and gentlemen!
I really miss the moment when I wrote all my feelings here and since it was 2011, now i am coming back! *jump*

More than 3 years have passed. I was an Industrial Design Student who always felt blue about my daily schedule, my college tasks, myself, and everything. Now I am a bachelor of Design! *yeaaa*

Never been happy like this. Though my graduation was in November 2014 and entering 2015 with job-seeker status, I have done my college life.


Yea, my friends and I finished that. I don't know what to say, but there's a paradox. I have dreamt of a graduation day, but there's a sad feeling. We have spent our 4 years together and now we're separated.

One by one, all my DP-mates (DP: Desain Produk) start their life each other.
14 persons graduated, and 2 persons still struggle for a beautiful ending at College.
Well, Goodbye, good people I ever had. I wish we will meet someday in one mini or big reunion (whatever) and we have got success (by our each version).
Be better, guys. Be strong. I know we can pass anything like we passed MDP and friends :p

This short writing is only to tell how much I miss them.

When we were on 2nd year and got hectic week for repairing our product and concept, guess which one i am? :p

'2nd Preview' Presentation of Final Project

We waited for entering Convention Hall


These are pictures and little bit story about my graduation and i miss them all, not only DP-mates but also friends from other Study Programs.
Okay, I am done. Be success everyone!
Have a good day!
